Only the portion that is needed for the chromosomal position you are currently viewing is locally cached as a "sparse file". Wiggle data must be continuous and the elements must be equally sized.
If your data is sparse or contains elements of varying size, use the bedGraph format instead of the wiggle format. If you have a very large bedGraph data set, you can convert it to the bigWig format using the bedGraphToBigWig program. For details, see Example Three below. See this page for help in selecting a graphing track data format that is most approriate for the type of data you have.
Please note that the wigToBigWig utility uses a lot of memory; somewhere on the order of 1. We recommend that as you run the program you monitor your memory usage by using the top command. To create a bigWig track from a wiggle file, follow these steps: Create a wig format file following the directions here. Note that when converting a wig file to a bigWig file, you are limited to one track of data in your input file; you must create a separate wig file for each data track.
Note that this is the file that is referred to as input. Remove any existing 'track' or 'browser' lines from your wig file so that it contains only data. You scroll down the page and found data are available on ftp server. But wait… it says bigWig file, what is this?
Not clear? It is similar to bed file which contains location of the genome where the read aligned to. Because it is indexed, it can be used to quickly find the location you want. Because it is indexed, the search is fast and no need to upload the entire file.
You will be asked if you want to log in as guest or registered user. Log in as guest. It will pop up a window with a folder which contains SRA files associated with the study. Track file is an essential file that will be used in the UCSC genome browser to hold the key information about the SRA files you want to visualize. For description, you can add more detailed sample information, but you can leave as the same as sample name. Finally, bigDataUrl should be the ftp server address.
See the example below. If you want to know more about track file. There is a detailed tutorial for generating your own session here. Once you created a track file, you need to upload it on the Genome Browser. Entries such as maxVal , sumData , minVal , and sumSquared are then largely not meaningful. Typically we want to quickly access the average value over a range, which is very simple:. Other options are "min" the minimum value , "coverage" the fraction of bases covered , and "std" the standard deviation of the values.
It's often the case that we would instead like to compute values of some number of evenly spaced bins in a given interval, which is also simple:. A note to the lay reader: This section is rather technical and included only for the sake of completeness. By default, there are some unintuitive aspects to computing statistics on ranges in a bigWig file.
The bigWig format was originally created in the context of genome browsers. These different sizes are referred to as "zoom levels". The smallest zoom level has bins that are 16 times the mean interval size in the file and each subsequent zoom level has bins 4 times larger than the previous. This methodology is used in Kent's tools and, therefore, likely used in almost every currently existing bigWig file.
When a bigWig file is queried for a summary statistic, the size of the interval is used to determine whether to use a zoom level and, if so, which one. The optimal zoom level is that which has the largest bins no more than half the width of the desired interval. If no such zoom level exists, the original intervals are instead used for the calculation.
For the sake of consistency with other tools, pyBigWig adopts this same methodology. However, since this is A unintuitive and B undesirable in some applications, pyBigWig enables computation of exact summary statistics regardless of the interval size i. This was originally proposed here and an example is below:.
While the stats method can be used to retrieve the original values for each base e. The list produced will always contain one value for every base in the range specified. If a particular base has no associated value in the bigWig file then the returned value will be nan. Sometimes it's convenient to retrieve all entries overlapping some range.
This can be done with the intervals function:. What's returned is a list of tuples containing: the start position, end end position, and the value.
Thus, the example above has values of 0. If the start and end position are omitted then all intervals on the chromosome specified are returned:. As opposed to bigWig files, bigBed files hold entries, which are intervals with an associated string. You can access these entries using the entries function:. The output is a list of entry tuples. Entering edit mode. Thank you very much Leonardo Collado Torres! Hello, because GTex is that big, how one could for example pick up randomly or first 20 brain samples from GTex and download all the corresponding bigwig files for them?
This is a separate question, please post a new question Daniel.